The United Counties of Prescott and Russell
(UCPR) join United Way East Ontario and the Prescott-Russell Successful
Aging Advisory Committee in recognizing Caregiver Day and their
important contribution to the well-being of residents.
A Caregiver is a family member, friend, or person of choice who provides
unpaid care to someone who is either disabled, suffers from a physical,
neurological, or mental condition, or is ill, fragile, or aging.
Caregivers play a fundamental role in supporting the health and
well-being of our elders and most vulnerable populations. They not only
support the health care system, but they also contribute greatly to the
social and economic development of Prescott and Russell communities.
“On Caregiver Day and throughout the year, the UCPR recognize the
dedication of the many Caregivers in our region who provide unlimited
hours of care and the dedicated local agencies that support them,”
stated Stéphane Sarrazin, Warden of the UCPR.
The latest demographics show that the role of Caregivers is becoming
increasingly important due to the rapid aging of the population both
regionally and provincially. With the health care system under pressure,
Caregivers play a vital role in ensuring that our seniors have access
to quality care when they need it.
“This makes it more important than ever to ensure that all Caregivers in
our community have access to community supports, education and
training, financial assistance, and a collaborative health care system,”
explained Judith Gour, Chair of the Prescott-Russell Successful Aging
Advisory Committee.
Posted on 04/01/2021